Wednesday, October 23, 2013

R&R Weekend

Carr Family enjoying Clear River Pecan Co. Ice Cream
Although several events happened this past weekend, I'm only going to talk about the R & R weekend at Nebo right now.  The Carr family, Don, Stephanie, Sierra-12, Hunter-10, Annabelle-4 and Abigail-3 joined us Saturday at the Best Fest complements of the Knights of Columbus.  After enjoying the great German food, music and other activities they spent the afternoon exploring Fredericksburg. 

Annabelle & Abigail

Thanks to the generosity of Fredericksburg Theatre Company, the family was scheduled to see The Miracle Worker Saturday night.  Now I don't know about you but the thought of taking 3 & 4 year old children to the movies is scary enough but to live theatre?  So in an insane moment I offered to take the children (all 4) and let Don & Stephanie have a date night.  They felt it would be good for the older ones to experience live theatre.  So Annabelle, Abigail & I  got to spend the evening at Nebo playing and watching the cats beg to come inside.

What delightful little girls!!  Made me wish my granddaughters were closer. The evening flew by and before we knew it Don, Stephanie, Sierra & Hunter were home.  They really enjoyed the play and the quality of the performers!!

Sunday afternoon Sharon & I went to Nebo to shut off water and gas, etc. and feed the kittens.  On the counter was a beautiful card the family had made for the WWAN team.

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