In the beginning of this ministry we believed our mission was to minister to the wounded, injured and ill. Then, through experience and talking with the soldiers, care providers and chaplain, events were expanded to include the warrior's family. You see, there were numerous offers of hunting & fishing trips, activities like bowling, skiing, golf, etc. all directed at the warrior; but very little for the family to experience as a family unit. So we started focusing on the entire family when planning events. It is amazing how many times we have heard "It's great to be able to do things as a family" or "It's so seldom we get to getaway and play as a family", etc. Thankfully we never stop learning and listening to God.
Over the past couple of years it has become apparent that the warriors are not the only ones needing a break and to be "loved on". Chaplain Ginsburg has helped us to understand that the Warrior Transition Battalion (WTB) staff need a break now and then also. You see, they walk side by side with the wounded, injured and ill through their physical and mental healing, therapy, frustrations and victories. They insure the warriors get to their appointments, help guide them through the WTB maze and offer moral support and friendship. Staff share some of the stress and frustrations of the warriors especially those who were once wounded themselves.
While the wounded, injured and ill have priority for attending WWAN events, we have been including staff to fill events. Then last September we sponsored a "Chaplain's Day Out". Recently some of the WTB commanders asked if we would coordinate an event specifically for staff and their family members. After much discussion and prayer we agreed.
Stacy Johnson & Nancy Russell with breakfast items |
On July 31st at least forty (40) staff members from Company A, WTB and family members traveled to the Lazy U Ranch, Seguin, TX for a day of play and renewal. The 100 acre ranch which is bordered by the Guadeloupe River and Lake Placid provides an ideal area for kayaking and other water sports or just splashing around. There are also lots of trails for bicycling and hiking. For those wanting something less physical, board games, archery and bean bag toss are available.
As participants arrived they picked up breakfast items and headed to the pavilion to see who was there and what was going on.
Cyclists cruising |
It wasn't long before the self defense instructors had a class going, cyclists were cruising around the ranch, archery lessons and lots of games were in progress.
Learning Basic moves for Self Defense |
Godly Grilliers |
Soon the Godly Grillers arrived and started cooking sausage and chicken for lunch. The Godly Grillers are a volunteer group from Community Bible Church in San Antonio (check out their Facebook page CBC-Godly-Grilliers). They are a generous fun bunch of guys in addition to being good cooks.
As we were finishing lunch the kayaks arrived from Olympic Outdoor Center in San Marcos. Thanks to Ben Kvanli for donating their use.
Brad passing out Koloches |
Saying thank you is not nearly enough to express our appreciation to Brad Bowen, Adaptive Sports Military Program. He arranged for the kayaks, bicycles, instructors for archery and self defense. There's probably more that I'm missing but it's safe to say that Brad "Made It Happen". On top of that Brad is simply a nice man who cares.
Of course Craig and Nancy Russell, Lazy U owners, were right in the middle of all the activities making everyone feel welcome and sharing the history of the ranch and memorial. Thank you for making your ranch available for recreational activities for the military and creating the SS American Memorial.
To see more photographs of the event like us on