The company I worked for (many years ago) would issue challenges to see which department could operate for a specified time with the least number of accidents or similar things specific to our department and/or job. In addition to recognition, the winner received a prize. Likewise, the WTB (Warrior Transition Battalion) challenges the companies (A, B & C) periodically. Challenges involve several items relative to their jobs with specific criteria for each. The company excelling in meeting the criteria are rewarded. Company B (Bravo) was the winner earlier this year. They requested a day out at Lazy U Ranch. Everything finally came together on Friday, August 22.
Breakfast snacks |
Sharon, Susan & I arrived at 8 a.m. to find some wounded warriors, case workers and staff already there setting up tables and ice chests full of water. They helped us unload the donuts and other breakfast snacks.
More people arriving |
All the time more people were arriving. We ended up with approximately 60 including spouses and children.

There was fishing, bean bag toss, kayaking, chess, scrabble, dominoes and other board games. Or one could just relax, watch the water or watch the grass grow. Lt. Johansen encouraged all the warriors to participate in several activities. He said to put a check mark beside their name on the sign in sheet every time they completed an activity. At the end of the day everyone with 5 check marks would be put in a drawing for a prize to be announced at the time of the drawing. (One night's lodging in Fredericksburg.)

As it got closer to noon and became obvious not everyone was able to attend due to appointments, some called spouses to come join the outing. Davila's Barbeque catered lunch for us. They served promptly at noon. It was a nice surprise to have green beans and parsley potatoes rather than slaw and beans. Very good food and friendly people.
We loaded up the car and left for home a little before two. The "party" was still going strong.
Special Thanks to:
Craig Russell who so generously shares the ranch with veterans both active and retired.
Ben Kvanli, Olympic Outdoor Center in San Markos, who provided kayaks for the event.
Go To for lots more photos.