My Goodness! I feel like Ichabod Crane - Like I just woke up from a long nap. I didn't realize how long it's been since we posted!! We'll try to do better. Right now let's get up to date.
November R&R (25-27)
All but one of the warriors coming out for the November R&R weekend wanted to go fishing. So we contacted Erin Jenschke Smith and got permission to fish their lake (it’s where the bass tournament was held).
Ashley, Jeremiah & Kyle tempting fish. |
It was very windy and all bank fishing but three fish were caught and everyone had fun. Ashley got off to a rocky start when she startled a snake sunning on the dock. It didn’t stop her from enjoying the day.
One of two fish Kyle caught |
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Using vehicles as shelter from wind |
At lunch time we were trying to keep the picnic lunch Bethany Lutheran Church provided from blowing away. Finally one of the guys said, “Let’s take it over behind the cars. That’s the way we do it in the field”.
Ken joined us after an early AM bike ride. |
Just as we started lunch Ken joined us. He had gotten up early to join a group of bicyclists riding from Boerne to San Antonio.
Susan Quindry took Sandra antiquing while everyone else was fishing. They found lots of treasures.
Sandra examines a treasure |
Daniel, Kyle & Chris |
During the free time prior to dinner several of the warriors had fun hanging out downtown.
Kyle, Sandra & Chris |
Sometimes you just have to let that inner child out to play!!
The Crew at Dinner |
Everyone enjoyed dinner at Fredericksburg Brewing Co. Good food, Good Company.
WWAN team members Mary Cosgrave, Susan Quindry & husband Charlie and Sharon Massey joined the warriors for dinner.
December R&R (6-8)
To say Mother Nature didn't cooperate is an understatement. We were so excited that 42 people (warriors/families) had signed up to come out for the weekend. The big draw was Fredericksburg's Christmas Parade. When planning this weekend we recognized that parade night/day has sometimes been cold or rainy but always tolerable. This year was brutally cold! Well, 27 brave souls came out anyway. We met at Zion Luthern church for a catered dinner.
Chris, Daniel & Sandra |
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The Carr Family |
Charles Quindry, Wayne Massey & Curtis Woodard |

Then everyone bundled up and covered up with blankets to watch the parade.
The Carr Family |
Sandra momentarily joins parade |
Warriors went to their cabins/housing after the parade seeking warmth. What some found was more cold and frozen pipes so they had to move to hotels.
KinderFest |
The next day was still cold but several hardy souls took their children to the Pioneer Museum for the
Kinderfest event.
Mr. & Mrs. Claus were there. In addition, there was caroling, crafts and children made Christmas stockings.
We Made Christmas Stockings |
Others went ice skating and enjoyed Markt Platz and downtown.
The Carr Family |
Lunch was at West End Pizza (Owners are the same family that did a major fund raiser for us in October). Thanks for the support and a great deal on the pizzas!!
Waiting for Pizza |
Dinner was a pot luck provided by Fredericksburg United Methodist Church members. Pot Luck says it all. They out did themselves. After eating, everyone piled into the church van and went to Trinity Lutheran Church on RR 1 for some scrumptious desserts. Then back on the van for a tour of the Johnson City Christmas lights.
Bee |
Here's a shout out to Bee Bennett who drove the church van.
Perhaps you have noticed there is no mention of breakfast for either R&R weekend. That's because with individual cabins/accommodations we put burritos (faithfully furnished by South Church), yogurt, etc. in refrigerators at the warriors quarters. This allows them to sleep as late as they want and eat at their leisure. This is just one of several changes WWAN has made based on feedback and experience with the warriors. Another is changing the "Respite Weekend" to R&R. Seems respite was sending the wrong message - some thought it was for cancer patients. Everyone knows what R&R means and we are getting a lot more participation.
There are a LOT more photos of these events (and all of the others) on facebook. Go to Photos are arranged in albums by event.
Well, that gets us up to January, 2014. I'll get the blog for last weekend's couples retreat posted in the next couple of days.
Be Blessed